The Church of FoF!
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
  Horray! Apparently someone has a clue. Apparently someone has realized that people like to
  1. See Naked People
  2. See People humiliating themselves
  3. Drink Beer


Basically, a local bar is gonna be going forward with Naked Karaoke this Saturday. Too bad I hate crowds, or I might go check it out. If anyone does, please bring a camera phone or something.

I was all excited until Isaw the date of the article: Saturday, November 1, 2003. Damn.
I was all excited until I read ailyns comment. Got to remember to pay attention to details!!
You should have paid more attention - it was tonite (Feb 12).. the bar was at capacity since 7p and it lead off all the local news broadcasts.
Turns out someone DID actually get naked. A husband / wife duet in the buff.. was hoping for supermodels and strippers, but hey.. someone had the guts to do it.
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