The Church of FoF!
Thursday, March 03, 2005
  A one word review of the Matrix Online meh. 
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
  Horray! Apparently someone has a clue. Apparently someone has realized that people like to
  1. See Naked People
  2. See People humiliating themselves
  3. Drink Beer


Basically, a local bar is gonna be going forward with Naked Karaoke this Saturday. Too bad I hate crowds, or I might go check it out. If anyone does, please bring a camera phone or something.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005
  Online D&D Gaming I think I found exactly what we need.

I always knew it was going to be 2 pronged. We definately need voice communication. This is easily accomplished by the use of one of the free services (Ventrillo, Team Speak, etc). Having a simple, free voice program will allow for us to move in a far more fluid manner.. and for Wheels to go off on his own and take over a kingdom.

But that left us with either lying about our dice rolls, using some crummy IRC bot or finding something that will fill the void. You know..
how do you show where the players and monsters are without moving things around on the table (the Frost Giant is the Big 20 sided, the ogre is Zammis and Don is the marbled green 10 sided)?
how do you have die work when you know that Rico hasnt told the truth about a die roll (except for both the "NATURALS" he's ever really rolled) in 17 years?
How do you allow Pete to make shit up on the fly without too much work (trying desperately to keep Wheels in check)?
How can I have an advantage over everyone else without actually cheating?

Well.. I found just the application that lets us do this. ScreenMonkey! This gives us a chat interface (allowing for Pete to copy / paste text room descriptions in easily), a game board to move pieces around, computer generated dice rolling (theres no other way to do it, tho I could try to fuck with the code and make it more preferential to players rolls than the DMs rolls), no 3rd party software to install on the client computers (only the GM has to have software installed, it runs a web server on the GM computer and everyone just uses a browser to access the game).

Im seeing this as a Win, Win, Win. Thoughts?
Monday, January 03, 2005
  Holiday is Over, back to Work Hope everyone had decent and safe winter holidays. All 5 of you that read this.

So.. back at work after about 2 weeks off (6 days of holiday, 4 days of working from home + weekends). Lets see.. what have I been up to?
Purchased the basics for playing D&D Miniatures. It looks interesting / quick / fun and could become a new hobby / obsession if I have anyone to play with.
In that light (and for another project), Ive been looking for software that will facilitate playing both D&D Minis and "regular" D&D online. What Ive found so far is a program called Vassal. It is attempting to provide a basic framework for playing any board game online (Dice rolling, grid for movement, etc). Im going to be looking at it more closely and seeing if theres anything better for simulating regular PnP D&D (Pen and Paper).
Saw Oceans 12. It was pretty good. Nothing earth shattering. The con / job wasnt as interesting to me as the first one.. but hey, what do you expect in this day and age. Movies have been going downhill (or Ive been getting old). Did see the Batman Begins trailer. That looks like a fun romp and gives me something to look forward to.
Other than that, trying to relax and have a good time with life. 2005 kinda has to be better than 2004. Anyone have any good picks for this years dead pool?
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
  CyberSex and Consequences Image was too big - Clicky for in game screenshot of the Hot Chat.
You can find the whole thread here if it stays up. Its hysterical. Its topical. Hell, its Tapioca. Its everything you can ask for in a thread and more.
At the time of this writing, its an absolute monster.
1,278 replies
This is killing the server owner in overage charges.. but they are keeping it up. Its absolute comedy gold.
Some significant points (Ive read thru the first 5 pages of the 26)
1 - He threatens legal action with his first post and continues it on over and over.
2 - the woman he has claimed to be his IRL (In Real Life) girlfriend comes in an says plainly that she isnt.
3 - She also mentions that she wont have anything more to do with him cause thats not her he's cybering with.
This has made the internet. Its fucking HUGE in the MMO communities. Its everywhere. And its funny mostly because he denies it so vehemently. At least thru page 5. Feel free to head over there, make a special account, laugh at his face and drop 2 bucks into the paypal for the admin. We are guessing a few thousand dollars in overage charges this month.. but thats a WAG.

The point of this is "When you fuck up, Own Up". There is an absolute lack of responsibility in the world these days. No one seems to want to say "Yeah, it was me. I fucked up. Sorry." Its either Society, Drugs / Alcohol, a Dad who didnt love him, a Mom who abused him.. something other than "Im a fucknut who shouldnt be in public".

Several years ago, I was managing a pool hall that was open to all ages. A 14 year old came in with his friends and was incredibly stoned. I walked over, noticed his pupils were so dialated that he had no color in his eyes and told him to go home. He said no, he wouldnt (I think his response was something like "FUCK YOU MAN!! YOU CANT MAKE ME DO ANYTHING!". I explain, calmly, to him that its my bar, I can do whatever the fuck I want, if he doesnt leave I will call the police to bring him home and if he ever speaks to me like that again, he wont be able to come back to the bar. Giving his friends a pretty stern look, they grab him and leave.

I get a call from the owner a day or 2 later. He got a visit from the kids parents asking me to be fired. Why? Cause I threatened him. I almost hit him, but he was too quick. I go thru the whole "he was drugged, disruptive and antagonistic" spiel with the boss.. he knows that Im telling the truth and has already told the parents it would be better if they just let it drop and have their son not come back.

Lemme make sure everyone understood that chain. He's 14, doing drugs on a regular basis, gets asked politely to leave his regular hangout cause he's drugged, responds violently and inappropriately to someone about twice his size that he has seen throw whole gangs of kids out the bar before, gets brought home, tells his parents lies, they come down and demand I get fired, my boss tells them to not have the kid come back, they consider pressing charges against me.. wait one second. Why isnt the 14 year old in trouble for being a drug addled fuckhead? Oh.. thats right. The parents are oblivious. It wasnt my bosses place to say anything. They never spoke with me. The kid is a lying sack of shit.

Society needs a wakeup call. badly. Im not sure if its a race riot or sweeping inferno. but a nice cleansing burn couldnt hurt right now. Live by my motto. "Fucked Up? Fess Up." Life is just easier when you take responsibility for your actions.

BTW - the original poster has gone thru and created an ugly ass site with all the needed quotes extracted from the massive thread.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004
  on a humorous note While setting up this lil page dedicated to my own self-importance, I picked a template I found visually appealling.
Then it was mentioned that a friend had the same template. So I picked another.. so it wouldnt look quite identical.
And noticed that it too was one of the stock templates that another friend had used for his page.

Considering I know 3 people using this site.. and managed to pick the same template as 2 of them. Im gonna guess that this latest template is in use by someone else I know. I think I need to work some HTML or summat.
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